Product Disclaimer

Lighting System Information


  1. Recommended to only connect EJBS Tape Light to 24-volt LED driver. DO NOT hook Tape Light up to a low voltage transformer.
  2. Make sure all EJBS Tape Light is connected back to the driver. DO NOT daisy chain from one connection to the next connection.
  3. Make sure to follow the recommended tape length usage detailed on the driver descriptions in our Shop.
    1. 60-watt driver – no more than 6 meters (~20 feet) in length.
    2. 120-watt driver – no more than 12 meters (~40 feet) in length.
    3. 200- watt driver – no more than 20 meters (~65 feet) in length.
  4. Use the conversion table below to ensure adequate wire gauge is used for length of runs.
    1. Use the following table (60w):
  5. All wire within the wall MUST be Riser Rated.